Bookmerce is a digital product boutique featuring eBooks, digital stationery, and printables!
Yes, our digital products are designed to be compatible with a variety of devices, including smartphones, tablets, laptops, and desktop computers.
You immediately have access to your purchased items that will be sent directly to your email you provide during checkout!
Some of our products may come with customizable features, allowing you to personalize them according to your preferences. Look for customization options listed in the product descriptions.
Due to the nature of our products, we do not offer returns or refunds!
We take the security of your personal information seriously!
Please read our Privacy Policy for more info.
Yes, we occasionally run special promotions and discounts for our customers. Be sure to follow us on social media to stay updated on the latest offers.
Yes, you can reach out to us via email (bookmerce@gmail.com) or through the contact form on our website.
Our products are intended for personal use only and should not be shared or distributed without permission. If you'd like to purchase products for multiple users or for commercial use, please contact us for licensing options.